Please join Brad and Stephanie on October 31, 2015 as we celebrate our wedding in Baltimore.
Brad's Story
Bradford Hamson was born and raised in the Silver Spring area of Maryland. Growing up, he had a passion for music and participated in many bands. He attended Towson University and graduated with a degree in Geography and Environmental Planning with a minor in GIS. He currently works as a GIS Analyst developing web mapping applications and other projects for BWI Airport as an employee of Airport Designs Consultants Inc. He enjoys hiking, backpacking, and recording music.
Stephanie's Story
Stephanie Helms was raised in Silver Spring, Maryland and spent much of her time outdoors or taking trips to national parks with her family. She graduated from Towson University with a degree in Geography and Environmental Planning with a minor in GIS. She currently works as an invasive vegetation managem ent specialist and the coordinator for the Weed Warriors Program for TreeBaltimore and the Forestry Division of Baltimore City Department of Recreation a nd Parks. She enjoys hiking, backpacking, anything outdoors and collecting records and movies.
Our Relationship
Stephanie locked eyes with Brad in 9th grade and had a funny feeling ever since. They formally met on a marching band trip in 2005 when their high school participated in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City and were instantly friends. They spent much of their time after school together until they both realized their feelings and made it official on Halloween of 2007 after a very special horror movie marathon. Eight years later, the rest is history. Not only are they soul mates with a long history together, but they are also best friends with many great memories.